- Stillwater Public Schools
- Student Handbook - Full
Welcome to Stillwater Public Schools!
Contained within this handbook are more than just rules and regulations about attending Stillwater Public Schools. It also includes the long standing traditions, principles, and values that define the Stillwater Pioneer way and make it one of the finest school systems in the world.
Family Involvement
The education of children is a joint effort between the school, parents/guardians and the community as a whole. SPS will involve families in school activities and utilize parental and community resources in the instructional learning program of the school. The district will:
- Keep parents/guardians informed about their student's school and education.
- Encourage parental involvement.
- Establish effective two-way communication between all families and district personnel.
- Seek the advice of parents/guardians on school governance issues and methods to fulfill the district's educational mission.
SPS expects and supports an effective system of communication between and among school district patrons, the board of education, administrative staff, teachers, support personnel and students.
We are here to help connect you to local resources that can offer help and hope.
Consider a time in your life when you were really hungry. At that moment, it was likely difficult for you to focus on anything else but your hunger. Think about a time when you arrived at work with little sleep. Chances are you made mistakes and just generally struggled. Now consider being a child who is coming to school hungry and exhausted and how that impacts that child’s ability to learn, grow, play, and make friends. Imagine doing that every day and also arriving with holes in your shoes or not having access to a winter coat.
Across the country, we have students struggling with exactly these issues and SPS is no exception. In 1943, psychologist Abraham Maslow published a paper in which he proposed a hierarchy of needs, which we now know as “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”. The needs identified at the bottom of the pyramid must be met before one can achieve growth to the top which is self-actualization.
We are fortunate to have a school district that recognizes the need to assist with these basic needs. In response, SPS employs social workers who strive to address these needs. While we are not able to solve the macro issues (homelessness, poverty, oppression, job insecurity) we can assist and provide support by linking families with resources and providing available resources.
Family Support Services Website
Learn more about Family Support Services programs like the Pioneer Pantry, Share the Warmth, and more.
School Supplies
Parents are responsible for providing necessary student supplies. At the elementary level families pay a set charge, allowing the district to purchase in bulk. This is also generally more convenient and economical for parents.
The Stillwater Board of Education recognizes that citizens, acting as volunteers, provide valuable services that benefit the schools and students. Volunteers may come from all backgrounds and all age groups and may include any community members willing to give their time to help students and school staff. The board encourages the use of volunteers subject to appropriate rules, safeguards, and regulations approved by the board. Ask your teacher or principal how you can get involved at your site.
The district encourages those who can to consider substituting for the district. Learn more at: stillwaterschools.com/subs
Embracing a Diverse Community
Board Policy DA, Policy DAA, Board of Education Resolution Condemning Racism and Committing to Inclusion
Stillwater is a diverse community, and SPS values that diversity. We will work with our community to build a culture of understanding and valuing differences. Those differences include, but are not limited to, race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.
Our Top Priority
Stillwater Public Schools’ number one priority is the safety and security of our students and staff. Secure schools, highly trained School Resource Officers, and the I Luv U Guys Foundation’s Standard Response Protocol (SRP) help maintain high levels of safety and preparedness across the district.
School Resource Officers
Stillwater Public Schools partners with the Stillwater Police Department to staff our schools with four school resource officers. This valuable part of our team serves to provide additional safety and supervision, teach our students about the importance of law enforcement, and to communicate about and respond to potential threats to student, staff, parent, and visitor safety.
Standard Response Protocols
A critical ingredient in the safe school recipe is the classroom response to an incident at school. Weather events, fire, accidents, intruders and other threats to student safety are scenarios that are planned and trained for by students, teachers, staff and administration. Stillwater Public Schools uses Standard Response Protocol (SRP) to respond to security incidents and SchoolMessenger to notify parents/guardians about those incidents.
SRP Actions
"Hold in your area."
Clear the hallways and remain in your classroom until all clear is announced. Continue class as usual. Students in cafeterias or gyms remain there.Possible reasons to Hold• Medical emergency• Altercation• Broken water pipe• Spill"Secure the perimeter."
Return inside and lock exterior doors. Continue class as usual. Increase your situational awareness.Possible reasons to Secure• Dangerous animal on school grounds• Criminal activity in area• Civil disobedience• Hazmat• Earthquake"Locks, Lights, Out of Sight."
Teachers lock interior doors, turn out the lights, move students out of sight, maintain silence, take attendance.Possible reasons to Lockdown• Dangerous animal within school building• Intruder• Angry or violent parent or student• Active shooter"Evacuate to (specific location.)"
Teachers lead evacuation to location. Students bring phones, leave other belongings, and follow instructions.Possible reasons to Evacuate• Fire• Gas leak• Following a contained situation"Shelter (using a specific strategy.)"
Teachers take attendance and lead specific safety strategies.Possible Reasons to Shelter
• Tornado• Hazmat• Earthquake
Safety Drills
SPS recognizes the importance of practiced emergency response procedures. Both announced and unannounced drills will be conducted.
Guns & Weapons Free Schools
Possession of dangerous weapons, including ammunition, or replicas or facsimiles of weapons, by any person, except for School Resource Officers and visiting law enforcement personnel, is not allowed on school grounds.
School board policy FNF School board policy FNF-R
School lockers, desks, and other areas of school facilities may be opened and the contents examined by school officials at any time, in order to properly supervise the welfare of pupils.
Any vehicle entering school grounds is subject to search by school authorities and law enforcement personnel working with them. Such searches may be conducted without warrant for any reasonable purpose. Search of the vehicle includes all compartments and components thereof.
Students are also subject to appropriate, supervised searches in the event of reasonable suspicion of weapons, controlled dangerous substances, or stolen property.
Closed Campus/Open Campus
School board policy FDF
Stillwater Public Schools will maintain closed campuses at all of its school sites. Students will remain on campus from the time they arrive until the completion of their school day. High school students at Stillwater High School and Lincoln Academy are permitted to leave campus during lunch and for academic/extracurricular purposes. To leave campus during any other time:
- The student must be signed out by a parent/legal guardian or designated adult.
- If the student returns during the same day, the parent/legal guardian or designated adult must sign the student back in.
- High school students may check themselves out and back in with the permission of the parent/legal guardian.
Inclement Weather
School board policy ckac-p3 - School board policy ckac-p2
Heavy rains, tornadoes, and snow and ice conditions are a common occurrence in Oklahoma. Each of our schools has a tornado procedure, and the faculty and students practice storm drills periodically. If severe weather (tornado) is approaching at the time of dismissal, students will be held at the school until the danger has subsided. If there is a tornado watch but no immediate danger, school will be dismissed on schedule.
Virtual Learners and Inclement Weather Days
Being able to continue work on inclement weather days is an advantage for students enrolled in virtual learning. Curriculum doesn’t have to be condensed to accommodate these days and consistency is ensured. As such, on days when SPS experiences inclement weather and closes school buildings, virtual learners will continue coursework as previously scheduled. Students should communicate directly with their teachers if the weather impedes their ability to work over inclement weather days. Families are reminded that attendance is monitored for a 7-day period based on academic progress. Any scheduled in-person sessions will be canceled on inclement weather days and communicated via email.
If it is necessary to cancel school because of severe weather, it will be announced as early as possible. In addition to email and text messaging (be sure to opt in for texts), cancelations will be announced on:
- SPS website
- facebook.com/onwardpioneers
- instagram.com/onwardpioneers/
- OKC Channels 4, 5, 9, 25, 43
- Tulsa Channels 6 & 8
- Suddenlink Channel 16
Opting in to receive text messages
Text notifications are used to announce cancellations and certain safety actions.
To receive district text messages, you must opt in by sending a text message "Y" to the phone number 67587 from the mobile phone on file in the portal.
You will receive a confirmation: "You're registered 4 SchoolMessenger Notifications." If you do not receive a confirmation, please check with your cellular carrier to be sure your plan supports short code texting.
Your mobile phone number must also be associated with a guardian/parent or SPS staff account in Infinite Campus. Verify in the parent portal or contact your school's office.
More information is available at https://bit.ly/sps-notify.
The Stillwater Board of Education recognizes that transportation is a necessary element of educational opportunity. The purpose of maintaining and operating a transportation system as part of the general school program shall be to provide its students adequate and safe transportation to and from school and on other school trips deemed a part of the educational program.
Bus stops are created based on a student’s residence, whenever possible, within a half mile of student residences.
- Dress appropriately for the weather while waiting for the bus
- Arrive at least five minutes before the regular arrival time of the bus
- Wait at least ten minutes before returning home
- Students may be allowed to ride to or from an alternate existing stop with prior approval of the Transportation Department.
MAJOR Disruptive Misbehavior
Immediate loss of bus privileges, without receiving previous warning, may also result from vandalism, fighting, abusive language or gestures, failure to cooperate with the driver or other school personnel, possession or use of drugs, weapons, throwing/spitting objects, or any other action that jeopardizes the safety of the passengers, school personnel, or the public.
Extracurricular Transportation
Buses or district-owned vehicles may be used for educational field trips, as an extension of classroom activities, and for extracurricular activities. During field trips, students are expected to follow the same rules as during normal school operations. When students are transported from their school site, the responsible SPS staff member shall notify parents/guardians of the trip and gather appropriate permission slips in a timely manner.
- Students participating in activities are required to ride on school transportation with the following exceptions:
- Activity sponsors may grant permission for students to return with parents.
- Parents may request in writing that their child ride to or from the event with another specified adult (non-SPS student). These requests will be approved by the administrator or designee on an individual basis.
Adults chaperones (policy EEI) may ride, if space allows.
Homework given by teachers to students should be to supplement, complement and reinforce classroom teaching and learning. Homework shall be related to the school's aims and philosophy of education.
Late Work
Late work acceptance will vary based on individual teachers. These practices should be clearly conveyed in writing to students and parents at the start of the school year/semester.
Make-Up Work
Students who are absent because of a school activity, family trip, or other such activity will be expected to obtain assignments before departing and have them completed upon returning to school.
- Work missed during excused absences should be made up.
- Students will have the same number of days to make up the work as the student missed
- Additional time may be granted by the teacher
- No penalty shall be assessed for make up work completed for excused absences.
- Exams/tests announced during the student's presence shall be made up on the day the student returns to class.
- Should the student be absent at the time the test is announced and thus is not aware of the scheduled test, the student shall have the same number of days to make up the test(s) as the student missed unless additional time is granted by the teacher.
Any exceptions to this procedure shall be determined by the building principal.
Extra Credit
Extra credit (up to the discretion of each teacher), if used, should:
- total no more than 5% of the nine (9) weeks grade
- be made available to all students in any given class
- be supported with some form of written work
- be part of the syllabus/course outline
If suggested extra credit projects would require the expenditure of money, teachers must provide alternate forms of extra credit projects which do not involve spending money.
It will not be given for:
- Canned food drives
- Attendance at sporting events
- Running errands
Progress Reports & Grades
At the end of each nine-week period, progress reports/grades are prepared for students and parents. Parents are invited to contact their child’s teacher with questions.
Grading Scale:
- A = 90-100
- B = 80–89
- C = 70-79
- D = 60-69
- F = Below 59.5
Monitoring Your Child's Progress
The Parent Portal
The Parent Portal allows students/parents access to information about their schedule, attendance, and grades via the web and mobile apps.
Visit the portal page for more information.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parents are encouraged to attend parent/teacher conferences due to the importance of working together for the student’s education and keeping communication open and ongoing. Parent/teacher conference days are noted on the district calendar.
Promotions and Retention
Each child develops physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially at an individual rate. Therefore, for some children, more than twelve years of public education are necessary to achieve the minimal standards of an appropriate education. Placement in elementary, middle and junior high school grade levels will be based upon:
- Maturity (emotional, social, mental, and physical)
- Chronological age
- School attendance
- Effort
- Progress and grade marks achieved.
- Standardized test results
A team including the principal, teachers and parents will convene to review all data to determine the need for retention.
Graduation Requirements
The Stillwater Public Schools Board of Education recognizes that a 12-year course of study in certain specific subject areas has proven to be beneficial in assisting students to become productive citizens and to prepare for advanced study. A minimum of 26 units of credit must be earned in the subject areas listed below to be eligible for graduation. All students, in order to graduate will be required to complete the “college preparatory/work ready curriculum units or sets of competencies” at the secondary level. A student will be allowed to enroll in the core curriculum in lieu of the requirements of the college preparatory/work ready curriculum upon the written approval of the parent or legal guardian of the student. Current state graduation requirements will be deemed to be the core curriculum option.
College Preparatory/Work-Ready Curriculum for High School Graduation
- 4 Units of English
to include Grammar, Composition, Literature or any English course approved for college admission requirements - 3 Units of Mathematics
limited to Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Math Analysis, Calculus, Advanced Placement Statistics, or any mathematics course with content or rigor above Algebra I and
approved for college admission requirements - 3 Units or Sets of Competencies in Science
- 1 unit of life science, meeting the standards for Biology 1 (Biology, AP Biology)
- 1 unit of physical science, meeting the standards for Physical Science, Physics, or Chemistry (Physical Science, Physics, Chemistry)
- 1 unit from the domains of Physical Science, Life Science, or Earth and Space Science such that content and rigor is above Biology 1 or Physical Science (e.g., LS: Zoology, Forensics, Genetics; PS: Chemistry, Physics, AP Chemistry, AP Physics; ESS: Meteorology, Geology, Astronomy, Oceanography, Environmental Science)
- 3 Units of History and Citizenship Skills
- 1 unit of American History,
- ½ unit of Oklahoma History
- ½ unit of United States Government
- 1 unit from the subjects of History, Government, Geography, Economics, Civics or non-Western culture and approved for college admission requirements
- 2 Units of the same Foreign or non-English language, or 2 Units of Computer Technology
approved for college admission requirements, whether taught at the high school or technology center school, including computer programming, hardware, and business computer applications, such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets and graphics - 1 Unit additional unit
selected from the above categories or career and technology education courses, concurrently enrolled course, Advanced Placement courses or International Baccalaureate courses approved for college admission requirements - 1 Unit of Fine Arts such as music, art or drama, or 1 Unit of Speech
- ½ Unit of Personal Financial Literacy
- Additional units of core or elective subjects to reach 26 units of credit
Core Curriculum for High School Graduation
- 4 Units or Sets of Competencies in Language Arts:
- 1 unit of Grammar and Composition, and
- 3 units which may include, but are not limited to the following courses: American Literature, English Literature, World Literature, Advanced English courses, or other English courses with content or rigor equal to or above grammar and composition.
- 3 Units of Sets of Competencies in Mathematics:
- 1 unit of Algebra I or Algebra I taught in a contextual methodology, and
- 2 units which may include, but are not limited to the following courses: Algebra II, Geometry or Geometry taught in a contextual methodology, Trigonometry, Math Analysis or Precalculus, Calculus, Statistics or Probability, Computer Science I, Computer Science II, Mathematics of Finance, Intermediate Algebra.
- 3 Units or Sets of Competencies in Science:
- 1 unit of Biology I or Biology I taught in a contextual methodology, and
- 2 units in the area of life, physical or earth science or technology, which may include, but are not limited to the following courses: Chemistry I, Physics, Biology II, Chemistry II, Physical Science, Earth Science, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Astronomy, Applied Biology/Chemistry, Applied Physics, Principles of Technology, qualified agricultural education courses such as Horticulture, Plant and Soil Science, Natural Resources and Environmental Science and Animal Science.
- 3 Units or Sets of Competencies in Social Studies:
- 1 unit of United States History
- ½ to 1 unit of United States Government
- ½ unit of Oklahoma History, and
- ½ to 1 unit which many include, but are not limited to the following courses: World History, Geography, Economics, Anthropology or other social studies courses with content or rigor equal to or above United States History, United States Government and Oklahoma History.
- 1 unit in The Arts
which may include Visual Arts and General Music - 1 unit in Computer Technology
including Computer Programming, Hardware and Business Computer Applications. - ½ Unit of Personal Financial Literacy
- Additional units of core or elective subjects to reach 26 units of credit.
Credit may be earned for the above-reference classes when the courses are taken in the 7th or 8th grades if the teachers are certified or authorized by law to teach the subjects for high school credit and the required course rigor is maintained.
Students will not be allowed to earn credit more than once for completion of the same unit or set of competencies.
All students in grades 9 through 12 are required to enroll in a minimum of six (6) periods, or the equivalent in block scheduling, of rigorous academic or career and technology courses each day.
Students who transfer into this district from out of state after their junior year of high school shall not be denied, because of differing graduation requirements, the opportunity to be awarded a standard diploma.
Courses offered by a supplemental education organization that is accredited by a national accrediting body and that are taught by a certified teacher and which provide for the teaching and learning of the appropriate skills and knowledge in the Oklahoma Academic Standards may, upon approval of the State Board of Education and the Stillwater Public Schools Board of Education, be counted for academic credit and toward meeting state graduation requirements.
All students shall be required to receive instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the awareness of the purpose of an automated external defibrillator at least once between ninth grade and high school graduation. A school administrator may waive this requirement for an eligible student who has a disability. A student may also be excused from this requirement if a parent of the student objects in writing.
In order to graduate with a standard diploma, students entering the 9th grade prior to or during the 2016-2017 school year, must complete 26 units of credit and have participated in any of the following:
- The Oklahoma State Testing Program
- If a student has not had the opportunity to participate in the Oklahoma State Testing Program, a state testing program from another state other than Oklahoma or a nationally recognized assessment, such as ACT or SAT, will be accepted.
Beginning with ninth graders in the 2021-2022 school year students are required to pass the United State naturalization test, in order to graduate from a public high school accredited by the State Board of Education. The United States naturalization test will be provided at least once per school year, beginning as early as eighth grade. Students must score a 60% to pass the test and may retake the exam upon request and as often as desired until earning a passing score. Students with disabilities whose individualized education program (IEP), consistent with state law, indicates that the student is to be assessed with alternative achievement standards through the Oklahoma Alternative Assessment Program (OAAP) will be exempt.
Junior High Requirements
Information on specific courses and elective options are available from the junior high office.
Eighth graders must enroll in six courses:
- Language Arts
- Social Studies
- Mathematics
- Physical Science
- Two electives each semester
Ninth graders are required to enroll in six courses:
- English
- Oklahoma History/Government
- Mathematics
- Physical Science
- Two, year-long electives
Middle School Requirements
Information on specific courses and elective options are available from the middle school office.
Sixth graders must enroll in six courses:
- Math
- Language Arts
- Science
- World Studies
- 2 Electives
Seventh graders are required to enroll in six units of work:
- Math
- Language Arts
- Science
- World Studies
- 2 Electives
Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty such as use cheating, plagiarizing, paying for homework, or other actions deemed to be inappropriate are not permitted and will warrant disciplinary action.
Examples of cheating include:
- Copying from another student’s test paper, assignment, or project,
- Allowing another student to copy from a test paper, assignment, or project,
- Using the course textbook or other material such as a notebook brought to a class meeting but not authorized for use during a test,
- Collaborating during a test with any other person by giving or receiving information without authorization,
- Using specifically prepared materials during a test, e.g., notes, formula lists, notes written on the student’s clothing, etc.,
- Taking a test for another student or allowing someone else to take a test for you.
Plagiarism is the unacknowledged inclusion of someone else’s words, ideas, or data as one’s own work. When a student submits work for credit that includes the words, ideas or data of others, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete, accurate, and specific footnote references, and, if verbatim statements are included, through quotation marks as well. By placing their name on work submitted for credit, the student certifies the originality of all work not otherwise identified by appropriate acknowledgments.
For Stillwater Pioneer Virtual Academy students, all writing assignments are checked for plagiarism with Edgenuity’s plagiarism checker. Students that have committed plagiarism will receive a 0 on that assignment. Students do have the option of redoing that assignment one time if they choose. If the assignment comes back plagiarized after the redo then the grade of 0 is permanent.
A student will avoid being charged with plagiarism if proper credit is given:
- Whenever one quotes another person’s actual words;
- Wherever one uses another person’s idea, opinion, or theory, even if it is completely paraphrased in one’s own words; or
- Whenever one borrows facts, statistics, or other illustrative materials unless the information is common knowledge.
Disciplinary Action
When a student is suspected of academic dishonesty:
- The student will be given the opportunity to respond to the allegation.
- Students found to be cheating will receive a “zero” for the test or assignment.
- Physical evidence of cheating and/or documentation of a student/teacher conference regarding cheating is filed with the principal. Documentation is placed in a locked file in the main office.
- The teacher administers the punishment that is deemed appropriate.
- The parent will be notified.
Repeated Cheating
The second instance of cheating will require that a checklist of behaviors be sent to each teacher to help determine if this is a general or a particular problem, and then a conference will be held with the student and their parents. Consequences of further cheating will be explained to the student and parents.
The third instance of cheating in the same class will result in the student being dropped from the class and given an “F” in the course after the parents are notified.
About Special Services
Special programs are designed to serve those who have disabilities in any of the following categories: autism, deaf-blindness, deafness or hearing impairment, developmental delays, emotional disturbance, intellectual disabilities, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairments, other health impairments, specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, and visual impairment.
If you have any questions about the programs offered by Stillwater Public Schools, please call Special Services Office at 405-533-6300.
Parents of children who are currently receiving special services through an IEP or a 504 plan should follow the communication chain below.
- Questions about the IEP or 504 are directed to the “teacher of record” who manages the IEP or 504 plan for your child.
- Concerns or complaints related to your child’s IEP or 504 that are not satisfactorily resolved should be directed to the building principal.
- Questions about general education classes or building-related activities are directed to the school principal or assistant principal.
Graduation Ceremony
The Stillwater Board of Education recognizes that graduation ceremonies are important academic events for our students, patrons, guests, and community. Students who meet state mandates or local school district graduation requirements may participate in the graduation ceremony. Students must be in good standing to participate in the graduation ceremony. Students are considered in good standing if they have conformed with student discipline policies, paid all fines and fees, and have not been charged, are under investigation, or have been convicted of a crime.
To ensure that graduation ceremonies are enjoyable for all participants and spectators, the board sets forth the following:
- A student shall be a Stillwater Public Schools graduate and entitled to a high school diploma whenever they have successfully completed the minimum number of credits established by the district for graduation, demonstrates mastery of the state academic content standards as required by state law, and completes graduation exercises.
- Students are considered as students of this district until graduation ceremonies have been completed.
- Students participating in graduation ceremonies will be required to abide by the school’s discipline code and dress code.
Graduation Ceremony
The opportunity to purchase caps, gowns, and tassels will be made available by the district. Scholarships are available for any students who are needing assistance, through the principal.
Accessories or external ornaments attached to the cap or gown are prohibited when practicing for or participating in the graduation ceremony. An exception may be made in instances involving the genuine exercise of religious practices. Any parent or legal guardian of a student desiring an exception on the basis of a religious practice shall notify the superintendent or designee in writing. Parents or legal guardians shall include the factual basis for the request and submit it by May 1 prior to the graduation ceremony.
Parents or legal guardians may appeal the superintendent or designee’s decision on the exception to the board of education.
Prohibition on Race and Sex Discrimination in Curriculum and Instruction
The district does not engage in and prohibits discrimination on the basis of race or sex in the form of bias, stereotyping, scapegoating, classification, or the categorical assignment of traits, morals, values, or characteristics based solely on race or sex. The district does not and shall not engage in race or sex-based discriminatory acts through utilizing these methods which can result in treating individuals differently on the basis of race or sex or can result in the creation of a hostile environment.
Stillwater prides itself on the behavior of its students. It is the responsibility of the school to teach self-discipline; therefore, the goal in working with students will be to utilize techniques which promote good discipline and are not merely punitive in nature. When in the judgment of a teacher or administrator a student is involved in unacceptable behavior, appropriate remedial or corrective action will be taken. Discipline will be fair, impartial, reasonable, and non-discriminatory. School authority over student behaviors is present in a variety of situations:
- School property
- Bus stops
- School-sponsored events
- Prom
- Graduation
- Field trips
- Athletic events
Dress Code
Students need to dress appropriately for various school activities such as recess, physical education classes, and field trips. Student appearance and dress should not detract from the learning environment. While the mission of Stillwater Public Schools is to educate its students, it is important that dress contributes to the atmosphere of a positive educational environment. It is hoped that a minimum amount of time and effort is spent on enforcement; however, it is the responsibility of the student and parents to adhere to these guidelines. The building administration will use their best judgement when addressing clothing, hairstyles, and/or accessories not specifically addressed herein, which may negatively impact safety and learning.
All final decisions about school attire/appearance will be made by the principal.
Dress Code
- Clothing must be clean, safe, and healthful, and weather appropriate (SPS Family Support Services can assist in this capacity if needed.)
- Clothing, hairstyles, or accessories must not be revealing or disruptive to the educational process in any way.
- Sagging that reveals undergarments is not allowed.
- Sleeveless shirts or blouses may be worn provided that the arm opening is not unnecessarily revealing of the student’s body or undergarments.
- Pajamas are not allowed except on designated pajama days.
- All students are required to wear shoes with a sole. Cleated shoes are not permissible in the school building. Flip flops are discouraged
- All head/face coverings (except as a religious observance) and sunglasses must be removed upon entering the school building.
- Protective face coverings to prevent the spread of infectious diseases are allowed.
- Chains, trench coats, long outer garments, and other items that may impact safety and learning are not permitted. Costumes and capes are not permitted except on designated costume days.
- Students are prohibited from wearing any clothing that includes or represents gang affiliation or identifiers.
- Clothing must not carry messages, either written or suggesting the promotion of illegal substances, including, but not limited to: drugs, alcohol, tobacco products or practices. Messages of a suggestive or vulgar nature are prohibited.
- Clothing must not be derogatory to any individual, group, or institution, including hate group messages.
- Skirts and dresses must be no shorter than the longest fingertip when held at the sides. Shorts must be properly fitted with at least a 3-inch inseam for secondary students, must completely cover undergarments and buttocks, and must be visible under shirts. Stretchy clothing such as leggings and compression shorts must be opaque, mid-thigh or longer, and covered by an outer garment that reaches the top of the thigh.
Dress Code Violations
Students will be given a verbal warning and may be asked to change clothing. This will be at the discretion of the administration.
Repeated violations will be considered willful disobedience of a directive of school officials and may result in more serious consequences.
Health Services
SPS is committed to helping students and staff learn, establish, and maintain lifelong wellness patterns. Schools cannot achieve the primary mission of education if students and staff are not healthy and fit physically, mentally, and socially. Schools can improve the health of students and staff not only by educating them about the importance of healthy behaviors, but also by implementing policies that promote those behaviors.
In accordance with state law, students are expected to be up-to-date on all required vaccinations. More information can be found at: https://oklahoma.gov/health/services/personal-health/immunizations/vaccines-for-school.html
Additionally, the CDC recommends everyone 12 years and older should get a COVID-19 vaccination to help protect against COVID-19. Widespread vaccination is a critical tool to help stop the pandemic. Getting your child or teen vaccinated can bring you one step closer to enjoying the activities you miss. Learn more at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/stay-up-to-date.html
Students will on occasion need to take medications at school. Medication will be given only as authorized according to state law and district policy, regulations, guidelines and procedures.
Self-Administered Medications
Certain medications such as asthma inhalers may be self-administered by students.
- Inhalers may be kept with a student at all times and self-administered as the student deems necessary with written authorization by the parent/guardian AND physician.
- Medications used to treat anaphylaxis and diabetes may also be self-administered, with appropriate written authorization.
- Any unauthorized medication found at school will be confiscated and the parent/guardian notified.
Staff-Administered Medications
Most medication, including herbal/homeopathic medications, can only be given by authorized school staff: school nurse, principal, designated employee or a contracted nurse.
- Injected medication requires a medical monitoring plan, a physician’s written authorization and a parent's/guardian’s written permission.
- Medication will only be administered with a completed Medication Authorization form.
- A new medication authorization form must be filled out for each medication at the beginning of the school year, when there is a medication change, and when there is a dosage change.
- All administered doses will be recorded by a designated employee on the back of the Medication Authorization form.
- The school nurse will decide whether or not a one-time medication dose will be administered.
- Medication sent or brought to school in improper containers, improperly labeled, or not labeled will NOT be given even if the parent/guardian gives verbal or written authorization.
- If a student states they forgot to take their medication before coming to school, medication will only be given if the parent/guardian is contacted and verbal authorization is given.
- All medication must be brought to the school by the parent/guardian.
- Directions for administering medication must include specific times or conditions.
- Expiration dates of medication will be tracked
- Medication from a foreign country will not be given.
- Medications that require refrigeration will be kept in locked refrigerators.
- All medication taken on field trips will be carried in a locked container.
- If a medication error occurs, an accident report form will be filled out.
- If a student refuses to take medication, the event will be recorded and the parent/guardian will be notified.
- All medication must be picked up by parents at the end of the school year. Unclaimed medicine will be disposed of.
- All medication issues are considered confidential.
Oklahoma law (70 O.S. §1210.194 and 63 O.S. §1-507) prohibits any child afflicted with a contagious disease from attending school until such time as the child is free from such contagious disease. Contagious diseases include, but are not limited to, scabies, impetigo, strep throat, flu and fifth’s disease. For all illnesses, students should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.
Students will be prohibited from attending school due to head lice. They may return to school when:
- They are found to be free of active lice (live lice and nits within ¼” of the scalp), and
- They are accompanied by an adult to the school office so the student can be cleared to return to class.
If infestation persists, an appointment should be made with the school nurse to work with the parent/guardian:
- Demonstrating nit removal and emphasizing the importance of combing
- Reviewing treatment methods for removing nits
- Describing terminal cleaning of bedding, clothing and the home
- Providing written instructions or pictorial information.
- The parent/guardian and student should then return home with the instructions and the understanding that the student is expected to return to school no later than the next school day with nit removal accomplished.
Students who have been sent home three or more times with active lice will be referred to the Payne County Health Department or a private physician. The school nurse will give clearance to return to school after proof of medical evaluation.
The likelihood of bed bugs infesting a school is extremely remote because bed bugs feed on people primarily at night, but schools can serve as a convenient transfer point from one host to another. In the event that bed bugs are encountered at school:
- Staff will tightly seal belongings suspected to contain bed bugs in plastic while at school. Those sealed belongings will be sent home with the owner at the end of the day.
- While bed bugs are not associated with uncleanliness or socioeconomic status, but they do carry a substantial social stigma, discretion will be maintained.
- Searches for additional bed bugs will be conducted.
- Vacuuming is not 100% effective in controlling bed bugs but will help capture and prevent transfer
- Chemical treatment of bed bugs at school is not recommended and currently available chemical treatment is considered ineffective.
If a student becomes injured or ill during the school day or while attending a school-sponsored activity, any staff member present should render first aid and summon a school nurse. If a school nurse or other professional medical person is not available the staff person will:
- Administer first aid to the child or injured person
- Notify the student’s parent/guardian, if possible, otherwise, follow instructions on the student's yellow health information card, if available.
- In the event of an extreme emergency, summon professional care, with or without parental permission.
In the absence of family transportation or ambulance service, the school nurse, principal, teachers or other designated school personnel may transport the student to the student’s home, to a physician’s office, or to a hospital. An ill or injured student shall be accompanied by an adult.
Medication shall not be administered by school personnel, including the school nurse, without a prescription and a written order from a physician.
A written report of any accident or serious illness must be made as soon as possible, but not later than noon of the following day.
Sex Education
All curriculum and materials, including supplementary materials, which will be used to teach or will be used for or in connection with a sex education class or program shall be available through the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services for inspection by the parents/guardians of students who will be involved in the class.
Drug Testing
One of the major responsibilities of Stillwater Public Schools is to protect the health and safety of all students in its charge. The position of the district is that the use and abuse of alcohol by students is not only against the law, but harmful to the individual student, fellow students, and the school community as a whole.
- Drug and Alcohol Testing may be used at dances, proms, and other school activities as deemed appropriate by the school administration.
- Certain school programs may require drug and performance enhancing substance testing as a requirement for participation.
Mental Health
The district mission is best served when students are fit mentally and socially and remain drug free. As wellness and health issues arise, a comprehensive, consistent mental health and drug prevention curriculum becomes increasingly necessary in the district in order to promote healthy lifestyles.
Each school has a counselor working in the broad areas of individual counseling, group guidance, and consultation with parents and school personnel.
- Students may ask, and are encouraged, to meet with a counselor or make an appointment at any time to discuss any school or personal issues they may be experiencing.
- Principals and teachers may refer students to counselors.
- Parents may contact the counselor with questions or make an appointment
- Academic, behavior, and attitude progress reports for a student may be requested through the guidance office.
Oklahoma law provides a definition of "residence" for children attending school at 70 O.S. Secion 1-113. If a child is between the ages of 5 and 21, they are entitled to attend school free of chard in the district of residence. Each school district determines what proof of residency will include. SPS student residency and proof of residency is detailed in Board policy FD.
No new in-district transfers will be granted this year as we work to balance enrollment at our elementaries. If you plan on moving within the district and have elementary students, those children will be attending the school assigned to your new address.
Students seeking to transfer into SPS, should follow the Oklahoma State Department of Education Student Transfer process.
Board of Education
The Stillwater Board of Education consists of 5 elected volunteer (unpaid) members, each representing one of five wards. Each board member serves a five-year term. The board meets at least once each month, and may have additional meetings as warranted. Meeting and agenda details can be found here.
Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs, Vaping, Medical Marijuana, and Weapons
Stillwater Public School does not allow use or possession of any of the above items. Students found to be in possession or use of these items are subject to disciplinary action.
The use of obscenity or vulgarities is not permitted and will warrant disciplinary action.
Public Displays of Affection
Public displays of affection are discouraged. Offending students will receive a warning; a recurrence may necessitate disciplinary action and/or calling the parents.
Substitute and Student Teachers
Substitute and student teachers have the same authority and are to be treated with the same respect as the regular classroom teacher.
Criminal Acts
In addition to educational disciplinary action, criminal acts may be reported to the appropriate authorities resulting in criminal charges. Those actions include, but are not limited to:
- Arson
- Attempting to incite or violence
- Endangerment
- Extortion
- False reports
- Assault
- Forgery
- Gambling
- Harassment
- Indecent Exposure
- Cyber crimes
- Threats
- Abuse
- Possession of obscene materials
- Possession of weapons
- Possession of drugs
- Possession of alcohol
- Vandalism
- Truancy
- Possession of stolen property
Other Acts
Other actions subject to disciplinary measures, include, but are not limited to:
- Cheating
- Sleeping, eating or refusing to work in class
- Disruption of the educational process or operation of the school;
- Failure to attend assigned detention, alternative school or other disciplinary assignment without approval;
- Failure to comply with immunization records
- Bullying
- Hazing
- Immorality;
- Inappropriate attire
- Inappropriate behavior or gestures
- Inappropriate public behavior outside of school
- Inappropriate use of a wireless telecommunication device;
- Profanity
- Using racial, religious, ethnic, sexual, gender or disability-related epithets
- Vandalism
- Violation of the Board of Education policies, rules or regulations or violation of school rules and regulations
- Vulgarity
- Willful disobedience of a directive of any school official
SPS has a firm belief that students who engage in fights should be disciplined. There are many alternatives available; students should seek the advice of teachers, counselors, and principals to resolve conflicts. All students involved in a fight will receive disciplinary action. The nature of that disciplinary action will be determined based upon the specific incident. Students involved in fights will be sent home with parents for the remainder of the day, and may face additional in-school placement, suspension, or a combination thereof.
Bus Behavior
Safety Regulations for Students
- Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop
- If a student must cross a road, wait for the driver to signal you across with their hand.
- Cross the road at least 10 feet in front of the bus.
- Remain seated and facing the front of the bus.
- Keep the aisle clear.
- Do not put hands, head, other parts of the body, or any object out the window
- All personal items carried on the bus must be able to fit in the student’s lap. Anything that cannot be safely carried in the student’s lap should not be brought on the bus.
- Do not talk to others outside of the bus as those near large machines need to remain focused.
- Flowers, balloons, and other party favors are not permitted on the bus.
- Suckers are not to be consumed on the bus as they present a choking hazard.
- Walk
- Carefully look around obstacles
Grades 6-12 use Ehallpass as a hall pass system. In the event a student needs a pass to leave during a class, an Ehallpass will be used. Students are given 2 passes per day automatically. Teachers may approve additional passes as needed.
(School Board Policy FNCD) School Board Policy FNCD-R Investigation Procedures
The board of education recognizes that bullying of students causes serious educational and personal problems, both for the student-victim and the initiator of the bullying. The board observes that this conduct:
- Has been shown by national and state studies to have a substantial adverse effect upon school district operations, the safety of students and faculty, and the educational system at large.
- Substantially disrupts school operations by interfering with the district’s mission to instruct students in an atmosphere free from fear, is disruptive of school efforts to encourage students to remain in school until graduation, and is just as disruptive of the district’s efforts to prepare students for productive lives in the community as they become adults.
- Substantially disrupts healthy student behavior and thereby academic achievement. Research indicates that healthy student behavior results in increased student academic achievement. Improvement in student behavior through the prevention or minimization of bullying towards student-victims simultaneously supports the district's primary and substantial interest in operating schools that foster and promote academic achievement.
- Substantially interferes with school compliance with federal law that seeks to maximize the mainstreaming of students with disabilities and hinders compliance with Individual Educational Programs containing objectives to increase the socialization of students with disabilities. Targets of bullying are often students with known physical or mental disabilities who, as a result, are perceived by bullies as easy targets for bullying actions.
- Substantially interferes with the district’s mission to advance the social skills and social and emotional well-being of students. Targets of bullying are often “passive-target” students who already are lacking in social skills because they tend to be extremely sensitive, shy, display insecurity, anxiety and/or distress; may have experienced a traumatic event; may try to use gifts, toys, money, or class assignments or performance bribes to protect themselves from bullying; are often small for their age and feel vulnerable to bullying acts; and/or may resort to carrying weapons to school for self-protection. Passive-target victims who have been harassed and demeaned by the behavior of bullies often respond by striving to obtain power over others by becoming bullies themselves, and are specifically prone to develop into students who eventually inflict serious physical harm onother students, or, in an effort to gain power over their life or situation, commit suicide.
- Substantially disrupts school operations by increasing violent acts committed against fellow students.Violence, in this context, is frequently accompanied by criminal acts.
- Substantially disrupts school operations by interfering with the reasonable expectations of other students that they can feel secure at school and not be subjected to frightening acts or be the victim of mistreatment resulting from bullying behavior.
Reporting Bullying
- Students, parents, and staff should report any bullying that they experience or witness by submitting a Bullying/Harassment Report to the Principal or appropriate responsible party. Not sure who to submit the form to? Call 405-533-6300
- Bullying/Harassment incidents will be handled according to policy.
Investigation of Bullying
The following procedures will be used by any person for the filing, processing, and resolution of a reported incident of bullying. The procedures are to be followed by the administration of the school district in an effort to determine the severity of the incident and the potential to result in future violence.
The procedure for investigating reported incidents of bullying is as follows:
- The matter should immediately be reported to the building principal. If the bullying involved an electroniccommunication, a printed copy of the communication as well as any identifying information such as emailaddress or web address shall be provided to the building principal. As much detailed information as possibleshould be provided to the building principal in written form to allow for a thorough investigation of the matter.
- Upon receipt of a written report, the building principal shall contact the superintendent and begin aninvestigation to determine the severity of the incident and the potential for future violence.
- If, during the course of the investigation, it appears that a crime may have been committed the buildingprincipal or superintendent shall notify local law enforcement and request that the alleged victim also contactlaw enforcement to report the matter for potential criminal investigation.
- If it is determined that the school district’s discipline code has been violated, the building principal shallfollow district policies regarding the discipline of the student. If it is determined that bullying has occurred, areferral will be made by the building principal or designee to a delinquency prevention and diversion programadministered by the Oklahoma Office of Juvenile Affairs.
- Upon completion of the investigation, the principal or superintendent may recommend that availablecommunity mental health care options be provided to the student, if appropriate. This may includeinformation about the types of support services available to the student bully, victim, and any other studentsaffected by the prohibited behavior. If such a recommendation is made, the administration shall requestdisclosure of any information that indicates an explicit threat to the safety of students or school personnelprovided the disclosure of information does not violate the provisions or requirements of the FamilyEducational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996,Section 2503 of Title 12 of the Oklahoma Statutes, Section 1376 of Title 59 of Oklahoma Statutes, or anyother state or federal laws relating to the disclosure of confidential information.
- Upon completion of an investigation, timely notification of non-confidential information shall be provided tothe parents/guardians of a victim of documented and verified bullying. This information should be providedwithin 5 academic school days of the conclusion of the investigation.
- Upon completion of an investigation, timely notification of non-confidential information shall be provided tothe perpetrator and parent/guardian of the documented and verified bullying. This information should beprovided within 5 academic school days of the conclusion of the investigation.
Reports may be made anonymously. However, no formal disciplinary action shall be taken solely on the basis of an anonymous report. Reports shall be made immediately to the building principal by any school employee that has reliable information that would lead a reasonable person to suspect that a person is a target of bullying.
School Property & Educational Materials
Library Media Centers
Each site houses a library media center to
Encourage the development of a love of reading
Contribute to academic achievement
Discover and develop special talents and interests
Cultivates independent study techniques
Provides up-to-date materials and knowledge of how to use them
Work closely with classroom teachers to supplement student learning
All materials must be treated in accordance with SPS’s Educational Materials policy. Specific policies will vary based on school and grade level. Check with your school site for appropriate rules and regulations.
Textbooks and Other Materials
Students using school-owned textbooks,library books, technology devices, or other educational materials are responsible for them and shall reimburse the school for any lost or damaged items. If lost items are returned, the student may be refunded any charges previously paid to the school for the items.
Bicycles should be secured in designated racks and are not to be ridden at any time during school hours. This includes the lunch period, unless special permission is given to the student to ride home for lunch.
Backpacks & Bags must be placed in cubbies or lockers immediately upon arrival at school and picked up before leaving. Secondary students are not to take book bags, duffel bags, or backpacks to classrooms.
Personal Property - Students, not the school, are responsible for their property.
It is highly recommended that all coats, jackets, rain apparel, etc., be clearly and permanently marked with the owner’s name.
Secure or monitor items such as money, phones, purses, glasses, and jewelry.
Cars and Motorcycles are expected to be driven with great care and caution, observing all driving safety rules. Student drivers must register their vehicles with the school administration. Violation of the rules of driving as well as rules of student conduct may cause driving privileges to be revoked.
Secondary School students will be issued a locker. The school will provide a lock for each locker. The lock that is assigned to the locker must be turned in at the end of the year or when a student withdraws from school. If the correct lock is not turned in, a $15 fee will be charged to the student(s) assigned to the locker.
Regulations for ALL Lockers
Only the assigned students should be using each locker. If a student wishes to change lockers, the main office must be notified.
Lockers must be locked and secured at all times.
Locker combinations should not be shared with anyone.
Do not leave valuables in lockers. Students are responsible for anything found in or stolen from their lockers.
Locker inspections may be held at various times during the school year. The school administration reserves the right to inspect lockers, desks, or other school property at any time.
High School Locker Specifics
Two students will be assigned to each locker. Members of the opposite sex may not share lockers. If a student wishes to change lockers or locker partners, the main office must be notified.
Disciplinary Actions
Stillwater Public Schools believes parental involvement is necessary in successful discipline. These disciplines or a combination thereof are intended to alter and improve student behavior. Discipline shall be consistent with the nature and severity of the offense, and shall take into account whether it is a first or repeat offense and the student’s discipline record. Discipline shall also be consistent from student to student under similar circumstances considering the exceptions dictated by federal law. Discipline of students with disabilities will be administered pursuant to federal and state laws. The intent of this policy is to limit the amount of lost instructional time.
Possible Actions
Detention (Secondary Only) - Students are to report to the appropriate teacher/principal at the specified time with class work to be studied. Detention may be assigned on a weekday, not during normal class time, or on a Saturday, as deemed appropriate.
Referral to other community resources.
In-School Placement (ISP) (Secondary Only) - an all day program (M-F) with specific restrictions inherent to an in-school program. Students in the program remain all day, even during their lunch, in a room that is set aside for the program.
Evening Alternative Program (E.A.S.) (SJHS and SHS Only) - an intermediate measure in the school’s routine disciplinary procedure and for students who are accumulating excessive absences, to ensure retrieval of lost instruction in grades 6-12. Offered:
SJHS = 4 P.M to 6 PM (M-Th)
- SHS = 4:10 P.M. to 6:10 P.M. (M-F)
Community Service – Providing a service for the improvement of the community and school campus under proper supervision.
Alternative In-School Placement – involves assignment to a site, designated by the school, for a prescribed course of education as determined by school representatives.
Suspension – Removal from school for a set period of time.
Bus Discipline
The primary responsibility of school bus drivers is the successful operation of the vehicle. The driver’s attention is divided between the traffic outside the bus and the children inside the bus.
With many different ages riding together in a fairly static environment for some length of time, social dynamics, including peer pressure, may cause students to exhibit different behaviors than they do in a classroom or at home. Child misbehaviors that might only be slightly disruptive in the classroom could result in a catastrophe on the bus.
For the safety and security of passengers, distracting behavior must be kept to a minimum. Riding a bus is a privilege reserved for students that can conduct themselves appropriately.
Driver Authority
The bus driver has the authority to enforce all bus rules and may add additional restrictions to ensure the safety of all passengers or for disciplinary reasons. Any student refusing to obey the driver’s instructions may be removed from the bus and lose their transportation privilege. At the driver’s discretion:
Separate students that are causing distractions/misbehaving
Seats may be assigned for any reason
Wireless device use, including cell phones, may be limited. Use of these devices is a privilege that may be revoked at any time. Students are to end calls when asked to do so.
Parents wishing to speak to a driver may call the transportation department at (405) 533-6347. MINOR Disruptive Misbehavior
The steps below are normally followed to correct minor inappropriate behavior. However, steps may be skipped if the behavior merits to ensure the safety of other passengers.
Driver - Possible actions during inappropriate or distracting behavior
Verbal warning
Assigned seat
Bus Rider Conduct Report submitted to transportation department
Transportation Office - possible responses to Bus Rider Conduct Report*
1st Report: Parent/Guardian notified
2nd Report: Parent/Guardian notified
3rd Report: 3 day suspension of bus privileges
4th Report: 5 day suspension of bus privileges
5th Report: Suspension of bus privileges for the remainder of the year including class trips and extra-curricular activities
Extracurricular Activities
Participation in extracurricular activities (athletics, music, etc.) is a privilege, not a right of every student. All of the athletic teams and activity groups represent our school when they perform. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that their behavior is conducive to the image of the school we want to display. Anyone behaving in any way that does not project a favorable image of our school will be removed from this activity and all other extra-curricular activities. Students will be subject to Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association and local board of education guidelines for student eligibility. Students not in attendance (unexcused absence) during the regular school day will not be admitted to events. See board policy for additional information.
It is the mission of the Stillwater Public Schools’ Athletic Department to help all student athletes to become stronger academically, athletically and socially for the betterment of our community. The athletic faculty will be committed to working with athletes to help them better understand the importance of dedication, work ethic and cooperation. We will always strive for a family atmosphere that embraces diversity. It is the desire of our faculty to always provide a safe and competitive environment. The Stillwater Athletic Department goal is that all athletes become great citizens while learning to compete at the highest level.
Objectives of SPS Athletics
To provide through coaching methods:
- An understanding and knowledge of the value of athletics.
- An understanding of why the school has athletics.
- Better health and fitness.
- A desire to succeed and excel.
- The opportunity to develop self-discipline and emotional maturity.
- The opportunity to develop social competence through the team concept.
- The opportunity to develop and understand why rules are necessary.
- The opportunity to develop respect for the rights of others.
- The opportunity to develop respect for authority.
- The opportunity to develop a sense of fair play and sportsmanship.
- The opportunity to think both as a member of a group and an individual.
- The opportunity to develop a faith in the democratic processes.
- The opportunity to develop the value of striving for and reaching group ideas.
- The opportunity to develop and improve motor skills.
- The opportunity to develop skills, interests and knowledge that will make life now and as an adult more enjoyable.
Joining a Team
Stillwater Athletics host open tryouts for all sports. To help students prepare for success in sports, we recommend participating in area youth sports to build skills and knowledge. Visit the Athletics website for more information and to find an SPS coach that can help advise you on getting started in a specific sport.
School-Sponsored Organizations
The district may sponsor student organizations that the board determines are in furtherance of and consistent with the educational objectives of the school district and directly related to the school district’s curriculum.
- A list of school-sponsored organizations should be distributed to parents at the time of enrollment.
- School-sponsored student organizations shall have a faculty sponsor whose teaching field, education, back-ground, or other expertise is reasonably related to the purpose and goals of the group, and who shall receive extra-duty compensation.
- Copies of the by-laws, constitution, budget, and other relevant materials of school-sponsored student organizations should be available in the school’s office.
Independent Student Organizations
The district shall make facilities available for meetings of independent student-organized groups in grades 6-12 subject to the provisions including the following:
- Meetings may be held only during any non-instructional time.
- All meetings shall be student-initiated and open to all students in the school.
- It is understood that participation in and the content and purposes of independent student-organized group meetings are neither approved nor disapproved by the school district.
Additional provisions as listed in board policy FMC.
Lists of Student Sports and Organizations are available under the Athletics, SMS, SJHS, and SHS sections of the website.
Only students from the hosting Stillwater Public School may attend dances, with the exception of the SHS semi formal and prom. Guests must be registered and carry an identification card. Additional details about school events will be provided by the hosting school.
The School Day
Arrival/Departure Procedures
Each site will establish specific procedures for arrival times, drop off procedures, and buses. This information will be communicated from school administrators prior to the start of school. These processes are subject to change based on traffic patterns and school needs. Schools will provide site-specific instruction for all student travelers:
Drop-Offs - students are dropped off at the curb
Walk-Ups - escorted by a parent/guardian to the door or inside
Walkers - walk unaccompanied to school
Bike Riders - ride bicycles or scooters to school (transport must be secured to bike racks during school hours)
Drivers - use their own motor vehicles
Bus Riders - utilize district transportationSchool days shall be in accordance with the Oklahoma Statutes and regulations of the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Each school’s specific schedule and procedures will vary. Check with your school office for details.
Skateboards, wheelies, rollerblades and roller skates are not allowed at school. They may not be carried on the school bus, or worn to/from school grounds. (Policy FNH)
School offices are happy to deliver messages to students. Every effort will be made to deliver all messages received, but it is important to be aware that the later in the day a message is received the more difficult it is to make sure students receive it before they leave. School personnel will not accept unapproved deliveries for students at school. This includes deliveries of flowers, balloons, candy, stuffed animals, cards, or other gift items.
For the security of our students and staff, secondary students (SMS, SJHS, SHS, LA) will be issued an identification card and lanyard (provided at no initial charge) in their possession and on display at all times.
Failure to display their identification card and/or present one when requested may result in the person being detained until identification is established and could result in disciplinary action.
Without an ID, students may be denied entrance to or assessed non-student fees for school activities.
Lost, stolen, or damaged IDs can be replaced for a $5 fee.
When a student must be absent, the parent or guardian should contact the school attendance office. Absences will be excused for:
Personal or family illness, substantiated by a doctor’s or a parent’s telephone call
In-school appointments, i.e., with a counselor or nurse;
Medical or dental appointments with verifications from the medical professional indicating the day and time of the appointment
Legal matters
Circumstances determined by the principal to be an excused absence, e.g., funerals
Observance of holidays required by student’s religious affiliation
Family business trips and educational trips prearranged by the parent.
Oklahoma state law requires school officials to keep attendance records and report excessive absences to the city attorney’s office in the event of:
Four (4) or more unexcused days or parts of days in a four week period or
Ten (10) or more unexcused days or parts of days per semester
Students in grades one (1) through nine (9) must be in attendance at school a minimum of 90% of the time each semester. This amounts to a maximum of four (4) absences each nine-week grading period and eight(8) absences per semester, regardless if the absence is excused or unexcused. Participation in school activities does not count as an absence.
If a ninth grader goes over the 8 absences in one semester, they are placed on a No Credit List and sent to the Attendance Committee. Students who are denied their course credits in one or more classes are strongly encouraged to appeal the decision and turn in any medical notes that may have been left at home.
GRADES 10-12
The high school attendance is a quarterly process. We have 4 terms; nine weeks each term. Students are allowed to miss 4 days per term before it starts to affect their course credits. State law says students have to be in class 90% of the time to earn credit.
When a student misses 2 days in one or more of their classes, a note is sent home to keep the parent/guardian informed. When a student reaches 4 absences in one or more of their classes, another note is sent home to let the parent know their child is at the maximum number of days missed before course credits might be affected. Both letters have the student's attendance attached. A copy of our attendance code explanation and frequently asked questions are sent with the letter as well.
We highly recommend parents provide notes when they see the doctor, dentist, counselor, or have a court appearance. The absences that have documentation are changed to a (MED) medical excused or (CT) court excused absence which do not count as 1 of the 4 absences.
If a student goes over the 4 absences in one of the terms, they are placed on a No Credit List and sent to the Attendance Committee. Students who are denied their course credits in one or more classes are strongly encouraged to appeal the decision and turn in any medical notes that may have been left at home.
Students with an unexcused absence during the regular school day will not be admitted to activities such as concerts or athletic events that day.
All absences, whether excused or unexcused, are counted when calculating minimum attendance. Exceptions to this requirement, including medically excused absences, court appointments, and other appointments, may be considered by the administration at the school, so please maintain communication with the office.
Arrival Tardies
If a student will be tardy to 1st hour, they must check in at the office. One arrival tardy (1st hour only) per semester with no penalty is allowed to cover unforeseen travel circumstances. During certain weather conditions, allowances for reasonable delays will be determined by school officials. Excessive tardies will result in contacting parents and a possible meeting with school personnel.
Classroom Tardies
Students must be in class or at events (such as assigned after school tutorials) on time. Late students must report to the attendance secretary. Secondary students who arrive to class 25 minutes late will receive an abscence for that class. Students who leave class without permission may be charged an unexcused tardy.
Tardy Disciplinary Actions
Middle School
Teacher consultation
Parent contact
Administration conference & parent contact
Administration conference, parent contact & 2 days lunch detention
Administration conference, parent contact & 1 hour after school detention
TBD disciplinary action
Junior High*
Written Warning
Office consultation & parent/guardian contact
1 day detention & parent/guardian contact
1 Hour EAS & parent/guardian contact
Parent/guardian contact, 2 Hour EAS and loss of Ehallpass Access.
TBD Disciplinary Action
*Tardies will start over at the 9 Weeks but include the student’s schedule as a whole.**Students who leave class without permission may be charged an unexcused tardy or absence.
High School
25 minutes of Closed Campus
1 hour of EAS + Off campus privileges revoked
1.5 hours of EAS + Off campus privileges revoked
1.5 hours of EAS + Off campus privileges revoked, possible ISP, Parent/Guardian Notification
SPS Schools
- High School -- (10th-12th) -- 405.533.6450
- Junior High -- (8th-9th) -- 405.533.6420
- Middle School -- (6th-7th) -- 405.533.6430
- Lincoln Alternative Academy -- (9th-12th) -- 405.533.6331
- Pioneer Virtual Academy -- (1st-12th) -- 405.533.6440
- Highland Park Elementary -- (PreK-5th) -- 405.533.6350
- Richmond Elementary -- (PreK-5th) -- 405.533.6400
- Sangre Ridge Elementary -- (PreK-5th) -- 405.533.6360
- Skyline Elementary -- (PreK-5th) -- 405.533.6390
- Westwood Elementary -- (PreK-5th) -- 405.533.6370
- Will Rogers Elementary -- (PreK-5th) -- 405.533.6380
Assemblies are important in the school program. They are designed to be educational, entertaining experiences. They provide opportunities in school to learn and demonstrate formal audience behavior. Regardless of the type of program, students should be respectful and appreciative. Talking, whispering, stamping of the feet, and booing are inappropriate. Appropriate assembly behavior includes:
Enter the assembly area as quietly as possible and follow the teacher to the assigned seats.
Give attention immediately to the assembly leaders.
Applaud at the appropriate time.
Be courteous to the performers and to neighbors.
Students who do not demonstrate acceptable assembly behavior may be removed.
Recesses & Playgrounds
Periodic breaks from academics and physical activity are vital parts of a child’s development. SPS holds recesses for many grade levels, and encourages physical activity at all levels.
Contact games are not allowed (i.e., tackling, pushing, hitting with any object, etc.).
Follow game rules and all instructions of the playground monitor.
Be courteous toward others and be sportsmanlike.
Community Use of Recreational Facilities
The district encourages students and their families to make use of our spaces, facilities, and outdoor classrooms outside of school hours for family outings or activities such as league sports. Rental agreements may be needed for organizations.
Ask your school’s office about access and appropriate use of secured facilities
Use of space is at your own risk
To reserve space at a school contact the school directly.
The Stillwater Board of Education recognizes that healthy eating patterns are essential for students to achieve their academic potential, full physical and mental growth, and lifelong health and well-being.
Stillwater Public Schools operates a school nutrition program that will include lunch, breakfast, and may include after-school snacks through participation in the School Nutrition Programs.
Payment & Menus
To pay your bill, view menus, and apply for low-cost meals visit: https://www.schoolcafe.com/StillwaterPS
Applications for free and reduced meals are included in the enrollment packet, may be obtained in the office, or submitted online. Applications can be turned in at any time.
All families, regardless of income, are encouraged to apply for free or reduced price meals. Updated applications for free or reduced price meals are available by August 1 of each school year. Only applications for the current school year will be processed. Parents and students are responsible for the cost of meals until the family’s free/reduced application is processed. Applications will be processed within 10 business days after receiving the application in the SNS office. All applicants will be notified by mail of the result of the application. If needed, applications are available in several different languages. Applications are available online at www.stillwaterschools.com/Departments/ChildNutrition
Stillwater Public Schools offers nutritious school meals to students at a minimal cost. In order to avoid adversely affecting the school meal program financially, the Stillwater Board of Education establishes policy regarding the charging of school meals.
The nutrition services meal payment policy is intended to:
- -treat all students with dignity and respect;
- -maintain a positive experience for students during meal service;
- -establish practices that are age appropriate; and
- -promote parents’ responsibility for meal payments and self-responsibility of the student
SPS provides a free breakfast for all students.
- Student lunches are available at all school sites.
- Elementary, Middle, and Junior High Schools operate closed campus lunches.
- Students may not accept food brought by the parent of another student.
- Stillwater High School has an open campus lunch policy.
- Students are excused only for the forty-minute lunch period; standard tardy procedures apply.
- Stillwater Pioneer Virtual Academy
- Students Pre-K-9th grade that are onsite during meal times will be expected to remain at the SPVA building, but students in grades 10-12 and above in attendance during meals can participate in open campus lunch.
- Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their children at school or sign them out to take them off site for lunch.
Meals for Virtual Learners
- SPVA students staying at home during meal times can arrange a meal pick up from the nearest SPS school site; ask SPVA staff for details.
- When visiting the SPVA for in-person meetings, learning labs, or school work around meal times, SPVA students can arrange to have a meal provided on site; ask SPVA staff for details.
Some classes/ages provide snacks. Some schools/teachers may ask for parent participation to help support these efforts.
- Walk at all times
- No cutting in line
- Demonstrate good table manners
- Clean up after yourself
- Do not overflow trash cans
- Use a conversational voice
- Respect lunch monitors
Additional information, menus, and payment options can be found at the SPS Nutrition Services website.
Appropriate Use of Technology
Stillwater Public Schools provides network and Internet access for educational purposes only. District staff will make reasonable efforts to supervise student use of network and Internet access.
Accessing the Internet creates potential access to materials inappropriate for school-aged students and the district utilizes an Internet filtering system. However, filtering systems have limitations and cannot be expected to be 100% effective. Filtering works with web browsing (not email or messaging) on equipment connected to the district’s networks. Devices connected to outside networks (such as student mobile phones with cellular Internet) cannot be filtered.
Students are provided with district network and Google accounts, but may lose access for disciplinary reasons. Email accounts are only provided to students in grades 4 and above. Student account access is disabled during summer break.
Student email may be monitored by a third-party to alert the district to policy or safety concerns, but issues may only be addressed by district employees on days that school is in session from the hours of 8am to 4:30pm. The district encourages and supports parents/guardians monitoring their child’s email account and communications, but not sending messages from their child’s account.
Phones & Mobile Communication Devices
School Board Policy FNG School Board Policy - FNH
It is the policy of the Stillwater Board of Education that students shall be permitted to carry wireless telecommunication devices, including electronic pagers or cellular phones, on the premises of this school district, in transit under the authority of the school, or at school district functions. Wireless communications and electronic devices may not be used during instructional time unless authorized by a teacher or administrator.
Students found to be using any electronic communications device for any illegal purpose, violation of privacy, or to in any way send or receive personal messages, data, or information that would contribute to or constitute cheating on tests or examinations will be subject to discipline and the device may be confiscated. Students violating this rule will be disallowed from carrying any personal communication device following the incident unless a bona fide health emergency exists. In no case will a device be permitted to take unauthorized photographs or videos of any kind.
Electronic devices should not be used during class time unless instructed by the teacher. Use of such devices during non-instructional time is at the discretion of the building administrator. Headphones, earbuds or other equipment used to listen to personal devices are not permitted during school hours.
Elementary Rules
Contact your school for details.
Middle School Rules
Cell phones cannot be used between 7:50 and 3:20. This includes lunch and recess as well. If a cell phone is seen or used between those hours, the student will be asked to put their phone in the office for the remainder of the day. Stillwater Public Schools will not be held responsible for lost or stolen phones.
Further, any unauthorized use of these devices that in any way interferes with academic work in class or is disruptive generally on school grounds is not acceptable. To make sure that all students at Stillwater Middle School understand the rules that apply to telecommunication devices we ask that each student have a signed Cellular Phone Contract on file in the office.
Any student who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including the removing of the device to the building principal’s office. The device may be returned to the student at the end of the day or may be returned to the student’s parents after a conference among the student, the student’s parents, and a school administration.
Junior High School Rules
- Students may only use smart devices such as cellphones and earbuds in hallways during passing periods and at lunch.
- Use of these devices in classrooms or restrooms/locker rooms is prohibited. This will be strictly enforced in all SJHS classrooms.
- Use of devices while on a hallpass out of class is prohibited unless the student comes to the office to do so.
- Device misuse is subject to disciplinary action including but not limited to confiscation for the remainder of the day, parent retrieval, detention, etc.
Stillwater Public Schools will not be held responsible for lost or stolen phones or other personal devices brought to school.
High School Rules
- Students may use cellphones and earbuds in hallways during passing periods and at lunch.
- Use of these devices in classrooms (without prior permission) or restrooms is prohibited.
Device misuse is subject to disciplinary action.
The Parent Portal allows students/parents access to information about their schedule, attendance, and grades via the web and mobile apps.
More information is available at https://ok50010918.schoolwires.net/District/Portal
Social Media
School Board Policy DHAC and FL-R
Students should use good judgment in social media interaction. Cyberbullying will not be tolerated and, in accordance with policy, conduct occurring outside of the normal school day or off school property that has a direct negative effect on the discipline or educational process or effectiveness of the school may also result in disciplinary action, which may include in-school placement options or out-of-school suspension.
A list of district social media accounts is available at: https://sites.google.com/stillwaterschools.com/hub/social-media
The school district may disclose appropriately designated “directory information,” including:
- The student's name
- The student’s grade level (i.e., first grade, tenth grade, etc.)
- The student’s participation in officially recognized activities and sports
- The student’s degrees, honors and awards received
- The student’s weight and height, if a member of an athletic team
- The student’s photograph
via press releases, publications, or social media, unless a parent or guardian has advised the district to the contrary in accordance with district procedures by contacting SPS's Public Relations and Communication Coordinator at bfuxa@stillwaterschools.com to formally make such a request.
Examples of the release of this information include:
- A playbill, showing a student’s role in a drama production
- The annual yearbook
- Honor roll or other recognition lists
- Graduation programs
- Sports programs
Administrators, teachers, other staff members, and the board of education may use surveys for many purposes, which may include, but are not limited to, the need for student services, the determination of prevailing views pertaining to proposed policies and/or practices, or the determination of student knowledge and/or attitudes related to a specific subject or unit. Surveys used in any experimental program or research project will be subject to policy GVA-P . Parents shall have the right to inspect all instructional material that will be used for a survey, analysis, or evaluation as part of a federal program. No student may, without prior written parental consent, take part in a survey, analysis, or evaluation that reveals information concerning:
- Political affiliations or beliefs, family history, and cultural beliefs/customs of the student or the student’s parent;
- Mental or psychological problems of the student or the student's family;
- Sexual behavior or attitudes;
- Illegal, antisocial, self-incriminating or demeaning behavior;
- Critical appraisals of other individuals with whom students have close family relationships;
- Legally recognized privileged communication;
- Income (other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under such program)
- Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or the student’s parent.
1 to 1 Device Program - Pioneers Achieving and Connecting with Technology
Stillwater Public School is committed to our mission: Champion academic and personal growth for every student. The Stillwater PACT initiative is an extension of that mission as we prepare students for life and work in a digitally and technologically rich world. This initiative ensures a one device per student ratio at all levels within Stillwater Public Schools. Students in 2nd-7th grade will be provided a device in their homeroom classrooms that they will use throughout the school day. Students in 8th-12th grade will receive a device at schedule pickup and be responsible for the device throughout the school year. Additionally, all certified staff will receive a Chromebook to facilitate their work.
SPS is known for students that perform exceptionally well academically and we recognize that allowing students to explore their interests gets them excited about learning and school. Issuing devices to students will not change the fundamentals of how they learn and engage at school, but it will enhance and enrich their learning environments in ways not possible otherwise.
Statement of Ownership
Stillwater Public Schools retains sole ownership of all devices and grants permission to the student to use the device per the rules and guidelines set forth in this handbook, the Device Acceptance Agreement, and the district’s Responsible Use Policy. Failure to adhere to these policies and guidelines can result in disciplinary actions deemed appropriate by SPS policy including, but not limited to, revocation of access to SPS technologies and networks and/or device confiscation. SPS reserves the right to monitor and log the use of its technology and network by users and examine user files and materials when deemed necessary. SPS staff retain the right to collect, inspect, and/or confiscate the device at any time, including via electronic remote access and to alter, add, or delete installed software. There is no expectation of privacy while using SPS computers, networks, or technology (SPS Board Policy 2000.2260).
Permission to use the device extends to school breaks and holidays, including summer. For record keeping purposes, SPS reserves the right to audit devices at any time.
Device Usage, Conduct, & Responsibility
SPS devices and networks are governed by the following rules and guidelines. Students who do not follow these rules and guidelines will be subject to disciplinary action. These rules apply to any use of SPS network resources—on or off campus. Network Resources include, but are not limited to, computers, tablets, printers, scanners or other peripherals (keyboards, mice, monitors...), email, web services, servers, network files and folders, and all other technology related equipment (SPS Board Policy EFBCA).
Students will:
Keep usernames, passwords, and personal information confidential.
Use appropriate language and be respectful of others.
Observe and respect license and copyright agreements.
Be responsible for device care and maintenance.
Take appropriate steps to report damaged, lost, or stolen devices.
Promptly relinquish possession of a device upon request.
Students will not:
Alter, add, or delete files or software not approved by SPS or that are intended to defeat,disable, or delete district web filters, device settings, and/or network configuration settings.
Attempt to gain unauthorized access to password protected areas of SPS networks.
Download or stream large, Internet-based music, video, or image files not relevant to schoolwork as this can slow access for all users—the network will be monitored for violations.
Access, view, download, stream, display, transmit, create, or otherwise possess or disseminate material that contains pornographic, obscene, sexually explicit, pervasively lewd and vulgar,indecent or inappropriate language, text, sounds, or visual depictions.
Use district networks or devices to harass, bully, or cyber-bully any group or individual as defined by SPS Board Policy.
Access the data or account of another MPS student or staff member.
Engage in any pre-meditated activity that is likely to cause substantial disruption of the school operations and learning environments.
Forward or generate “SPAM” email, unsolicited commercial email, or “junk” email.
View, scroll or participate in I.M. (instant messaging), chat rooms, forums, or discussion boards during class unless such activities are related to academic expectations set forth by a teacher.
Record or stream audio and/or video of staff or students without their knowledge and consent, including, but not limited to webcams, laptops, cameras, cell phones, or other digital devices
District Content Filtering & Content Monitoring
In compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), SPS will take every practical step to keep students safe when using technology. The district utilizes an Internet filtering system to prevent users from accessing websites with visual depictions that are obscene; pornographic; or, with respect to student use, harmful to minors. The district also prevents students from accessing other material that is inappropriate for school-aged students (as determined by district staff and school principals). Filtering systems have limitations and cannot be expected to be 100% effective.
SPS has the right, but not the duty, to monitor all aspects of students’ computer and network use including, but not limited to, sites students visit, students’ files and folders, and student communications including email, chats, all forms of messaging, blogging, vlogging, and online discussion boards and/or forums. District staff have the right and the authority to review or monitor, with or without prior notice, the content of all forms of electronic communication for any reason. Reasons may include, but are not limited to, retrieval of information, investigation or resolution of network problems, prevention of system misuse, ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requests, and enforcement of district prescribed policies and guidelines. SPS reserves the right to review, inspect the content of, and monitor all information residing on all computers and file servers for such purposes. Students waive any right to privacy in anything they create, store, send, disseminate or receive on district computers and computer network systems, including the Internet.
Student email may be monitored by a third-party to alert the district to policy or safety concerns, but issues may only be addressed by district employees on days that school is in session from the hours of 8am to 4:30pm. The district encourages and supports parents/guardians to monitor their child’s email account and their communications, but not to communicate using their child’s account.
Digital Citizenship
Stillwater Public Schools aims to equip students to engage in online and digital environments safely and students are expected to use good digital citizenship practices while using district technology. Stillwater Public Schools utilizes Common Sense Media’s Digital Citizenship curriculum to address topics like appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals and cyberbullying awareness and response. Additional information about this curriculum can be found at Common Sense Education.
There is no expectation of privacy while using SPS computers, networks, or technology. The district reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review, and store at any time and without prior notice any and all usage of the network, software, systems, devices, accounts, or Internet and any and all information transmitted or received in connection with such usage. All such data shall be and remain the property of the school district and no user shall have any expectation of privacy regarding such materials. Information may be used with third-party services to create accounts or reports for educational purposes, but only when approved by the superintendent or designee(s). Any data shared with third-parties will be the minimum required.
Home Internet Access
Students may use a district issued device to access the Internet at home or in public spaces. The district utilizes Eduroam, a global wireless network access service that provides users wireless access at participating institutions. While connected to the Eduroam network, Eduroam’s Acceptable Use Policy (https://sps.blue/eduroam-aup) also applies. Users accessing Eduroam offsite at participating institutions will be subject to the institution’s network policies. Typically, SPS Internet filtering will not be active on other institution’s networks. Eduroam networks can be found here.
Message to Students: When outside of school, stewardship of your district-issued device is transferred to your parent(s)/legal guardian(s). Their rules about Internet and device usage are applicable to your district-issued device. Plan to complete assignments and other academic activities within the parameters of the rules at your home.
Charging the Device
For 8th-12th grade students, the Stillwater PACT initiative is a full take-home program meaning students may take their devices home and are responsible for bringing them to school, fully charged, each day. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain the charging cord. The device should only be charged with a school issued cord. It is extremely important that students bring their devices to school fully charged each day as teachers will plan lessons and classroom activities based on each student having a device in his/her possession.
Downloading Programs
Approved programs, applications, and extensions will be installed by the SPS Technology Department or be made available for self-install through internal resources pre-installed on student devices. Students may not download, install, or use any software in violation of applicable copyright and license agreements.
Personalizing the Device
Students may not personalize the device with stickers and/or decals
Students may not permanently alter the device with markings, drawings, paint, or etchings of any kind. Students will be responsible for any damages caused by the application or removal of stickers and/or decals.
IMPORTANT: Each device is easily identifiable by a unique, barcoded number (Asset Tag) that is placed on the device by the SPS Technology Department. This tag may not be altered, covered, or removed.
The district will not provide device accessories or peripherals such as mice, stylus pens, earbuds, headphones, sleeves, cases, covers etc. Accessories may be purchased at students’ sole expense. The district will not provide maintenance, repair, or support for any student purchased accessories.
**The use of headphones/earbuds in class and/or during study times is at the teacher/supervisor’s discretion.
Student Education in Safe & Appropriate Technology Use
Legal Issues & Jurisdiction
Because the district owns and operates the equipment and software that compose our technology resources, the school may take steps that ensure devices and networks are used legally and in compliance with district policies. Any illegal use of resources is prohibited (per acceptable use policy EFBCA). All content or messages created, sent, accessed or downloaded using SPS resources is subject to the rules stated in district policies and applicable laws. SPS monitors its technology and may investigate electronic incidents even if they happen after school hours or outside of school. The district reserves the right, if needed, and at its sole discretion, to remotely access, open, examine, and/or delete electronic files or messages and/or change configurations to address situations suspected of violating district policies or applicable laws.
Any student who violates the rules and expectations relative to this Handbook and/or Responsible Use Policy will be subject to disciplinary action. If there is evidence that a violation has occurred, then a SPS administrator or designee will decide appropriate consequences in accordance with school policy and the law. Disciplinary action could include, but is not limited to, verbal warnings, loss of technology privileges, suspension, or expulsion from school. In addition, inappropriate use of a district device or network may result in the user losing his/her right to use the device and/or take it home and/or fine(s) assessed due to intentional/negligent damage or lost/stolen devices or accessories (SPS Board Policy FO). SPS will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to any illegal activities conducted through the school’s electronic system or devices.
Damaged, Lost, or Stolen Devices
Devices that are damaged, lost, or stolen must be reported to the school’s Library Media Specialist. District personnel will determine if the damage, loss, or theft is due to accidental or negligent conduct.
Negligence can include, but is not limited to:
- leaving equipment unattended and/or in an unlocked area;
- allowing the device to be used by individuals other than parents/legal guardians;
- using equipment in an unsafe environment;
- using the equipment in an unsafe manner;
- not adhering to the care reminders listed in this handbook.
Replacing Irreparably Damaged, Lost, or Stolen Devices
SPS will replace devices that are irreparably damaged, lost or stolen. In cases involving student negligence, the district reserves the right to place restrictions on student access to the device including, but not limited to, when and where the student has access to the device.
The technology fee, collected at the time of enrollment, will provide 100% insurance coverage of the first incidence of damage. The second incidence of damage will require a $25 fee to cover the cost of repair. A third incidence of damage will require a $50 fee. Additional repair and replacement expectations will be assessed upon the return of the device and will be at the total expense of the parent/guardian. Acts of intentional damage, lost Chromebook or charger will not be covered by the technology fee.
Estimated repair costs for Chromebooks are:
- Lost or totaled: $250 standard screen / $300 touch screen
- Charger (damaged or lost): $30
- Plastic casing (cracked or damaged): $40
- Ports/motherboard: $100
- Keyboard: $50
- Trackpad/Palm rest: $50
- Webcam: $25
- Screen bezel: $35
- Screen: $65 standard screen/ $100 touch screen
- Removal of stickers or cleaning: $25
- Missing or damaged SPS tags: $25
Estimated repair costs for hotspots are:
- Lost or damaged: $85
- Charger (damaged or lost): $25
- Removal of stickers or cleaning: $25
- Missing or damaged SPS tags: $25
Stolen Devices
A police report must be filed for any device reported as stolen. Any individual found to be in possession of a device that has been classified as lost or stolen will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion and prosecution in a court of law.
If the student leaves the school district and does not turn in the device, SPS will make a reasonable effort to recover the device. If those efforts are unsuccessful, the device will be processed as “stolen”.
Devices classified as “lost” or “stolen” will be remotely disabled and rendered useless via district asset control and management protocols.
Device Care & Maintenance
Students are expected to follow all the guidelines listed in this document and take any additional common-sense precautions to protect their assigned device.
General Care
- Treat this device with as much care as you would your own property.
- Do not attempt to remove or change the physical structure of the device, including the keys, screen cover or plastic casing.
- Do not remove or interfere with the serial number, asset tag, or any identification placed on the device.
- Do not do anything to the device that will permanently alter it in any way.
- Backup your data. Never consider any electronic information safe when stored on only one device.
- Close the lid of the device when it is not in use to save battery and protect the screen.
- Never walk from one location to another with an open computer. This is applicable at school and at home.
Keep the Device in a Safe Place
- The device should never be left unattended.
- The device should not be left on the floor where it might be stepped on, or within reach of small children or pets.
- Avoid positioning the device in a manner that may block airflow to cooling vents.
- Avoid storing the device in a car other than in a locked trunk.
- Avoid exposing the device to extreme temperatures (less than 32°F or more than 77°F) for prolonged periods.
Devices left unattended may be confiscated by faculty or staff as a protection against theft. Unattended and unlocked equipment, if stolen, including at school, will be the student’s responsibility.
FERPA, Parent's Bill of Rights, and Obligations
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records.This right transfers to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a postsecondary school at any age.
Board Policies:
Parents’ Bill of RightsThe school district is in compliance with the Parents’ Bill of Rights. Additional information is available for parents in the school policy manual on this subject. Parents may submit written requests to obtain the specific information listed in the Parents’ Bill of Rights law during regular school business hours by contacting the building principal or the superintendent.
Neglect or Refusal to Compel Child to Attend School
It shall be unlawful for a parent, guardian or other person having custody of a child who is over the age of five and under the age of 18 to neglect or refuse to cause or compel such child to attend or comply with the rules of some public, private or other school.
Stillwater Public Schools Non-discrimination Statement
The Stillwater Board of Education is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination. There will be no discrimination in this district on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, gender, gender expression or identity, disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation or age in its employment, programs and activities. This policy will prevail in all matters concerning staff, students, the public, employment, admissions, financial aid, educational programs, events, and services, facilities access, and individuals, companies, and firms with whom the board does business. The district also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups.
The following administrator has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the district’s non-discrimination policies:
- Section 504/Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (for questions or complaints based on disability)
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act (for questions or complaints based on race, color and national origin)
- Title IX (for questions or complaints based on sex, pregnancy, gender, gender expression or identity)
- Age Act (for questions or complaints based on age)
In addition, any individual who has experienced some other form of discrimination, including discrimination not listed above, may contact:
Director of Human ResourcesStillwater Public Schools314 South LewisStillwater, OK 74074405-533-6300
tswanson@stillwaterschools.comDistrict Title IX Coordinator - Chief Human Resources OfficerDistrict Title IX Investigators - Principals / SupervisorsDistrict Title IX Decision Makers - SPS District AdministratorsOutside assistance may be obtained from:
U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil RightsOne Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut Street, Suite 320Kansas City, MO 64106816-268-0550; 816-268-0599 (fax); 877-521-2172 (TTY)Email: OCR.KansasCity@ed.govRacial discrimination shall include racial slurs or other demeaning remarks concerning another person's race, ancestry, or country of origin and directed toward an employee, a student or a visitor.
Stillwater Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, gender, gender expression or identity, disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation or age in its employment, programs and activities.
Related Policies and Procedures and Training Materials:- K-12 Virtual Certified Title IX Coordinator Training
- Title IX Regulations: Revisions Training
- FB-Sexual Harassment of Students
- FB-E1-Sexual Harassment Incident Report Form
- FB-E2-Written Notice to Known Parties Regarding Allegations of Sexual Harassment
- FB-E3-Written Report
- SPS Title IX Discrimination Formal Complaint Form
Title VII Policies
SPS offers Pioneer After-School Learning Services (PALS) at all elementaries. In addition to childcare, PALS offers tutoring/academic coaching as well as various activities and playtime. Details are available at https://ok50010918.schoolwires.net/District/PALS
Other Service Providers
Additionally, several local childcare and activity providers offer pickup service via buses at schools.
Some schools may offer after-school programs like art or running clubs. Transportation services are not available for participating students; parents will need to make appropriate arrangements. Students that participate in PALS and an after-school program will be able to resume PALS supervision after the activity concludes.
Virtual Academy
SPVA's building will remain open until 4:30pm, any student attending in person would need to be picked up by that time.
Middle School
Some clubs and activities will take place after school as possible. Transportation services are not available for participating students; parents will need to make appropriate arrangements. Information on these activities and programs will be made available to students and parents as the activities grow nearer.
Junior High
Generally, the junior high building is open for students to schedule tutoring and attend a variety of scheduled after-school activities until 4:30 p.m. each day. For activities that need to run beyond this time, sponsors/coaches will communicate a pickup time for parents. Parents/students will need a plan for after-school transportation for students staying after buses run for the afternoon.
Free Tutoring Program: SJHS offers a free before and after school tutoring and homework help program. Specific times and days will be communicated via School Messenger and available by calling the office or visiting the SJHS website.High School
After school, things slow down, but they certainly don't stop! Student groups are welcome to use spaces for meetings. The Library stays open until 6:00 p.m. every day.
- Academic help can be found there after school daily.
- If you need additional assistance, just schedule time with your teachers.
- Join a club. We have over 41 clubs or families to choose from and you can always start your own.
- Participate, participate, participate…it is so much more fun.
- We are about education, so ask any question.
- We have a wide variety of support for you, including, but not limited to health, medical, social, emotional, legal and life in general. And it’s all free.
- We expect a great deal from our students and we are willing to help you in any way we can.
- Stillwater High School never sleeps. There is always something going on.
Restrooms and changing spaces
In accordance with OK SB 615, all multiuse restrooms and changing areas have been designated as either intended for male or female use. Private, single-use restrooms are also available for any individual. Students and staff must comply with state law by using the restroom that aligns with their gender as indicated on their birth certificate or a single-use restroom/changing location. Failure to follow this rule will result in disciplinary action. Maps of restroom locations are located in each restroom and available from each school office.
Maps of school restroom locations are available here.